online marketing 2011 September |

Archive for September, 2011


With little-to-no promo Joss Stone‘s super group, SuperHeavy, has debuted at #26 on the US Billboard 200 album charts. I think that’s solid for a side project despite what the critics say. Did they ever perform on TV here? Did they have a single on the radio? Widespread interviews and other press? Lots of buzz and hype? No to my knowledge. Although I did see them on the cover of Billboard Magazine, honestly, most that purchase albums don’t read/subscribe to that as it is an industry magazine.

SuperHeavy were just a group of big names who collaborated, recorded, and released an album. If that was all you needed to guarantee album sales we’d see a ton of these types of groups!

So claps all around for these artists being inspired enough to put something out there that we don’t get to hear every day and standing by it.

It landed at #13 on the UK album charts.

Where else did it debut around the world? Did you buy a copy?

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Gotta love YouTube!

Also, don’t forget that Super Duper Hits: The Best Of Joss Stone is out now!

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Credit: The Gossip Girls

ETA: Another video!

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